Deb Sloggett is a midwife and a co founder of Care4Cambodians. She was inducted by President Ginny at our DIK Donations in Kind Night with Keilor Rotary. We warmly welcome her and wish her well on her Rotary journey. Deb Akers is a former nurse and educator who is now a solicitor. She works in the Family Law field. We welcome her and wish her well as she experiences Rotary, Being the Inspiration.
Over the weekend September 7th - 9th September 2018 Rotarians and Partners from Keilor East, Essendon and Bendigo South Rotary Clubs worked on improving the gardens and surrounds of Camp Getaway at Axedale in Central Victoria. This annual event gives us the opportunity to socialize and work together to improve the appearance and safety of the Camp environment.
Our Pride of Workmanship Awards were held on Monday evening, May 22nd. The occasion was well attended by Rotarians, Partners and supporters of the nominees, Jeremy Dean and Aysu Demir of YPA Real Estate and Ian Shaw from Duhig Ford. After citations were read by their nominators trophies were presented to the awardees by Mr Ben Carroll, MP for Niddrie. We send all involved with this annual event our warmest congratulations.
On March 25th and 26th, 2017 we will again be holding the Moonee Valley Art Show at beautiful "North Park Mansion" in Woodland Street, Strathmore. Each year our Club holds the show in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Essendon. Further information may be found on the Moonee Valley Art Show website.
![]() We need support for this very worthwhile cause. Come along and see the wide range of paintings displayed in the beautiful historic North Park mansion. Now owned by the St.Columba's Mission, it is not generally open to the public so this is a great dual opportunity.Tickets are available at the gate on Saturday and Sunday. A new Rotary year has begun. Our new Club President is Gerard Mahoney. He was inducted on Monday 30th June 2014.The Changeover was held at the Clifton Park Bowling Club in Aberfeldie. Gerard had many family members there to see him inducted. They included his mother Ina who is 96 and brother Kevin who provided the musical entertainment. We wish him a great year as President.
Today we farewell Mollie Andrews from Bendigo. She is pictured with her counselor Rosemary Drenen (left), Norway Country Coordinator Chris Drenen, District Youth Exchange Director Vanda Mullen and her mum, Sue. Mollie is leaving for a year in Norway as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. Our Club is sponsoring her. We wish her all the very best for the long plane flight and for a wonderful Exchange experience. We hope her new koala has some great adventures too.
![]() Last night 13 of our Keilor East Rotarians and partners enjoyed a presentation by Melbourne Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. David Young at the Rotary Club of Strathmore. David is the President of the BEAP Project which was formed to help provide accident and emergency services at the Batticaloa Hospital and throughout Sri Lanka. Grace Pryor (left) is our newest Club Member. She was inducted at our
Family Christmas Party by President Raj Vytilingam . She was accompanied by her son Jesse. We warmly welcome Grace and Jesse into the Rotary Club of Keilor East and wish them well for the future. Welcome to our new Website which has its own Blog. Our previous Blog will remain because it has been so well maintained by Past President Phil O'Brien and it has some valuable information about our recent Projects. We would also like to encourage Club Members to write about their Rotary experiences and to encourage the development of their skills using new technologies.
AuthorGuest Bloggers are drawn from our Club to write about what Rotary means to them or simply to provide updates about our upcoming and past activities. Archives
July 2023
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